What is microdermabrasion?
A microdermabrasion facial uses a diamond tip that acts like sandpaper and loosens the dead skin cells they are then sucked away revealing fresher clearer skin.
This is a non invasive treatment and can be done during a lunch break as no down time is needed. There is no redness or particles left on the face, all that is needed is a good SPF.
After the first treatment you can see results but the more treatments the better the results. This is a treatment that can be done all over the body. This treatment helps to extract black and white heads and improve overall skin health.
Microbermobrasion helps to rejuvenate sun damaged skin and can be used on the face, necks, shoulders, back, arms and legs.
This treatment can reduce the appearance of age spots, helps reduce the appearance of line, helps to plump the skin, helps minimise blotchy skin colouring, helps reduce superficial scars from past injuries or scarring. This treatment is is useful on operation scarring and stretch marks over the body.